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Here is the modern version of the tabi!

Very colorful , very comfortable, these Japanese tabi socks, with their split big toe, are very popular with Japanese people. You can wear these tabi socks with traditional Japanese shoes AND any other type of western footwear. And they are also the perfect socks to wear with your flip flops! So don't be afraid to give them a try! Our Japanese tabi socks will quickly become your favourites!


緋衣草 Higoromosou , the scarlet sage.. Introduced from Brazil to Japan during the Meiji era, this easy-to-grow plant quickly became a great success... Flower of the gods in Europe, its Japanese name refers to the bright red of its flowers.


In addition to being unique to Japan , this form of socks with the big toe separated is also good for the feet : it promotes blood circulation and helps prevent athlete's foot by reducing perspiration between the toes.


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